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ASSETS Microloan Program Launches!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our PRECAPS Microloan Program! This new ASSETS initiative provides microloans (up to $3,600) for entrepreneurs and connects them with networks of peers with similar financing needs. PRECAPS brings these individuals together and provides capital in a group setting, while also helping to improve credit scores and deliver business education to build entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

For more information, click here: http://www.assetslancaster.org/become-a-client/lending-circles/

There will be an information session for all interested entrepreneurs this Thursday, December 5, from 9:00-10:30am or 3:00-4:30pm. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Attendance at one of these sessions is required to join the program. If you are planning to attend, click the link below to RSVP.
