The Great Social Enterprise: the Ladies behind 2F5L Foodtruck

Jonelle Renno and Jackie Gerlizki are sisters who hope to further the legacy of their mother, Kathy Anderson who died recently from cancer. Jonelle has spent 12 years working in the legal field and is the President and CEO of Kathy’s Family Services, Inc. Jackie works in education and is the Vice President and COO of Kathy’s Family Services, Inc. Both sisters have the same passion their mother did to not only give, but to encourage others to follow their dreams. They are passionate about serving their community and helping others succeed.
They have combined their vision to develop the idea for The 2F5L foodtruck, which is a ‘Pay What You Can’ food truck where locally grown, affordable, and delicious food is made available to everyone, regardless of what you can or cannot pay. 2F5L will have suggested prices, but customers may also pay under or over that suggested price. Money over the suggested price will then go to pay for meals of those who are unable to pay. The goal is to unite the need with those who are able to help. Two Fish, Five Loaves is not hoping to simply sell food, but start a movement.
2F5L Foodtruck was chosen as one of the 10 finalist for the Great Social Enterprise Pitch. To learn more or vote for the Two Fish Five Loaves food truck, check out their crowdfunding page:
Community Voting is open through the month of July. The top 3 Social Enterprise Ideas will move on the Live Pitch on August 8th. Go to to see all the social enterprise ideas and go to their specific rockethub sites to vote for your favorite idea for the Lancaster community!